Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lessons from the Tabernacle of the Wilderness Pt. 8 by Chris White

“And you shall make the altar of acacia wood, five cubits long and five cubits wide; the altar shall be square and its height shall be three cubits.” Ex. 27:1

“..and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”  Eph. 5:2

We have now moved from inside the tabernacle to its outer court and its furnishings.  While all parts of the tabernacle teach us about Christ, they also tell us about the phases of Christ’s ministry and perhaps even something about our own spiritual chronology.  The outside court around the tabernacle focuses on the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ.  There the brazen altar of sacrifice, and the laver or washbasin are reminders of the front and center accomplishments of the first advent.  Atoning sacrifice and the removal of sin’s defilement were front and center during Jesus’ earthly ministry.  Inside the tent the furnishings remind us of Christ’s ministry after His ascension-that of intercession, guidance, and provision of the Spirit to His Church.  Finally, in the Holy of Holies is pictured the second advent of Christ where earth, heaven, God, and redeemed humanity will all be fully reconnected and in a state of glorification as God is now.  These differing areas also remind us of a spiritual chronology all believers share.  Our entrance is always at the altar of Christ’s sacrifice and by his teaching we are washed clean.  But as we continue in Christ we have fellowship with Him by the Spirit and grow in prayer and His illuminations of our heart.  And finally, we too go through the veil following the steps of Jesus where we enter the blessings of the heavenly realm and the fullness the fullness of God.  Though there are many phases, there is but one life and it all begins at the foot of the Cross.  Next time: The Brazen Altar Pt. 2

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