Bombs in Boston and the Judgment of God by Chris White
The bombing of
the Boston Marathon has once again brought up the discussion among Christians
as to whether America is under the judgment of God and whether we should
declare a call to prayer and fasting as found in the Old Testament book of 2
Chronicles 7:14 “ if my people who are called by my name humble
themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I
will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”Such an idea was discussed recently in a column by Joseph Farah of World
Net Daily and has been well received by many (read the article here: a pastor and someone who preaches the
Bible, I often struggle when this verse is rolled out in regards to America
because it is definitely being used out of context and while the precept holds
true, to the best of my knowledge our country does not have a covenant with God
as Israel did and thus is not a promise.In Chronicles there is only one time where the people actually did
humble themselves and pray as prescribed here and God did relent in His
judgment of them. But within a couple of generations the entire nation was
taken into captivity by another nation (an ancient war technique in the near
east) because God said the evil had gone too far and the repentance was too
little.So the very people with whom God
directly made this promise were not spared the consequences of their actions at
a certain point.
Despite my
longstanding tradition of being a contrarian whenever I see an American flag
and Cross get too close (it’s more of a knee-jerk reaction), I actually want to
go on the record as endorsing a national day of prayer and fasting on
9/11/2013.While I harbor no illusions
or even wishes that America is God’s new chosen nation, there is no reason to
believe God doesn’t specifically judge Gentile nations when they spin out of
control with evil.More important is
that often God judges the real gods of these nations.The great example of this is when God called
the Ten Plagues on Egypt, each plague (flies, sores, frog, river turning to
blood, darkened sun, etc) was actually a judgment on a different god in the
Egyptian pantheon.
Our dear nation
has too long abandoned the true God and has largely followed after the gods of
Mars (war and power), Mammon (money), Mercury (merchandising), and Venus
(beauty and sex).What do we see before
us in the headlines?Our gods being
destroyed by some unseen hand.Despite
the most advanced military we are bombed from within.Our wealth is evaporating and can never keep
up with our spending.Even though we all
have more stuff than we can ever use, we are all trained from childhood to
consume to our full capacity and to be insatiable about it.Personally, the very fact that Christmas
decorations start appearing in stores right after 4th of July is a
judgment all its own!We have gone from
permitting sodomy in the privacy of one’s bedroom (as if that was ever a virtue
to begin with) to making it an issue of marriage equity and civil justice.We may not be under God’s judgment in a
cataclysmic sense with the proverbial lightning bolts and earthquakes, but if
within every sin there is the seed of its own punishment, we have sown to the
wind and are now reaping the whirlwind and who knows where this will end.Do we need to repent, pray and turn from our
wicked ways as a nation?Absolutely.Will I be praying on 9/11? Ditto.Will God heal our land if we do?I honestly can’t say.But I would hope “we the people” would be
open to praying more and often for our nation.Perhaps if we did that, flying the flag at half-mast would be a little
less common.
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